About Erin
Writing this bio made me realize just how lucky I am. Must have something to do with my Irish heritage. I was born in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia, the second of four children. Interestingly, we all had Irish accents when we started school.
I inherited my love of reading from my wonderful, Irish mother, who encouraged us to be generous, polite, independent and to travel. She would cart us off to the local library every fortnight to choose our own books. I quickly became absorbed into a world of intrigue, fantasy, adventure-packed stories, and eventually romance.
My mother encouraged me to write my first book at fourteen, not surprising, as she came from a family of story tellers. Unfortunately, I lost interest after the librarian dismissed my story as too true to life. Years later when my own three children were in school, I complained I couldn’t find a book worth reading. My daughter gave me that eye roll thing and said, ‘You’re always saying you want to write a book. Why don’t you?’ That’s all it took.
Variety is the spice of life, and as such I’ve worked as a typist, clerk, secretary, waitress, chamber maid in London, machine operator, medical receptionist, and library assistant. I met the love of my life, when he did contract work at the power station, where I worked. It was literally love at first sight, only I’d just given notice to move to London for two years. I still went as he promised to join me in six months, and we’d travel. I lasted five weeks. We were married five months later.
For years I’ve dreamed of living in a Tuscan villa, so in 2012, my husband set about making my dream come true. We built a lovely home with balconies, a wrought iron staircase, open plan kitchen/family/dining and my own writing room. It looks onto a sandstone-walled Tuscan courtyard, which is full of pot plants.
Our home is surrounded by trees and an abundance of wildlife and bird calls. It is the most glorious place to wake up each morning and only fifteen minutes to the prettiest working harbor in the world. We share this paradise with Murphy, our adorable Ridgeback x Staffy. I was told she wouldn’t grow higher than my knee. She’s halfway up my thigh. We also have two self-absorbed cats and three quirky hens, who rule their Taj Mahal of a coop. Our children have left the nest, although they return regularly for chats, meals and sleepovers. Life is to be enjoyed, and who better to enjoy it with than family and friends.
I write romantic suspense, sweet rural romance, and fantasy. All with a touch of humor. One of the wonderful benefits of being a romance writer is finding your tribe. People who understand your excitement, fears, self-doubt, and who celebrate your achievements and wins. I’m a member of the Romance Writers of Australia, Romance Writers of New Zealand, Hunter Romance Writers & Newcastle Romance Writers. These ladies support and encourage each other, with a lot of laughter along the way.
When I finally leave this world, I want my headstone to read “She was a wonderful storyteller.” If I can write stories that hold readers attention, make them laugh, cry, smile and dream. I will have achieved what I set out to do.
Cheers & happy reading
Erin Moira O’Hara